Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
Seller's Address
Saitama飯能市上赤工275-1 B1棟2号
This phone number has been confirmed as valid and accurate.
Hours & Shop Information
Inquiry response time:10:00〜17:00 (Japan)
Regular holiday:Sunday
About Price
The payment amount is the total of the following.
Work+Shipping fee
I handle the taxes required in Japan. Import duties may be required at the destination. Please understand that import taxes are not included in this payment.
About Payment Billing Date
You can use PayPal.
Payment methods that are not in the system of this site cannot be used.
For business use _ We will issue an invoice via PayPal.
Shipping Date
We accept deliveries to Europe.
Delivery is EMS only.
We will ship the item within about one week and inform you of the EMS tracking number.
Delivery times may vary depending on the situation.The delivery date is out of our responsibility range.
Thank you for your understanding.
Notes on Refund and Returning Goods
Unless the product is defective, we generally do not accept returns.
Please see GUIDE for Crafted Mobile policy.